“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” – Jack Kornfield

Human life is precious. Every single person is valuable. Everyone is deserving of love, compassion, and kindness. And when we share those things to others, we can’t forget to extend it to ourselves as well. It is too often and too easy to become hard on ourselves and find ourselves in a rut. Show grace to yourself always, and be adamant about it. Very simply, you deserve love. And a great way to ground yourself and practice being kind and loving towards yourself is writing in a journal. Use these intentional prompts to have a moment of healing with yourself. Remember, no one is reading what you write except for you!

♡ what is your love language? how can you show yourself love using that love language?

♡ write 3 things you like or appreciate about your body.

♡ think about a time where someone made you feel appreciated and thought of.

♡ write about 5 small everyday things that bring you joy.

♡ think about the people you love and admire the most. what qualities do you share with them?

♡ we are all deserving of love, despite how often our doubts, insecurities, and fears try to convince us otherwise. write about how you are deserving of love.

♡ write about a time where you got through something difficult or scary.

♡ we all receive and express love differently but what does self love look like to you?

♡ what are some things that other people do that make you feel truly cared for?

♡ think about how you might try to comfort a loved one when they need it. how can you do that for yourself when you need it?

♡ what are 3 things you are good at?

♡ is there something you need to forgive yourself for? write about what comes to mind. (please be kind and gentle with yourself)

♡ what is something that recently made you smile?

♡ what are some things that make you a good friend, good coworker, good family member, etc

♡ what is 1 thing that genuinely brings you peace?

What do you think of these prompts? Will you be answering any of these in your journal? Which one was your favorite? Let’s chat in the comments below!

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